Testing drugs in tiny volumes

A new machine from Ultrasonic Scientific promises to revolutionise the analysis of chemical reactions by requiring only a tiny amount of sample, an important consideration when testing expensive biologic compounds.

The Titration Kinetic Analyser requires approximately 40 microlitres - roughly equivalent to one droplet - to carry out its measurements. The machine is designed for use in titration experiments in liquids.

Using titration, it is possible to measure the concentration of a compound by looking at its reaction with a control reagent, as well as to explore microstructural and molecular when the concentration is changed. It is also used to determine when a chemical reaction is started by an injection of a required compound.

The product is intended as a tool in the product and process development industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, cosmetics and food, as well as scientists in universities and research institutes working in the field of life science, biomedical and biopharmaceutical applications.

Importantly, the TKA does not require any optical markers or optical activity of analysed compounds and can analyse molecular binding and chemical reactions in optically non-transparent samples such as blood. In addition, it has what Ultrasonic claims is a unique ability - to follow simultaneously an analysed molecular process as well as the consequences of that process on a 'supramolecular' basis, such as aggregation, change in particle size etc.

The company noted that the device can also be used as a small volume high-resolution ultrasonic spectrometer, which can perform ultrasonic measurements in a broad temperature range. This makes the instrument perfect for a number of applications such as the measurement of binding constants, drug screening, enzymatic activity and kinetics of chemical reactions.

For more information on the new product, visit the company's website.