Beckman launches flow cytometry software

Leading instrument company Beckman Coulter has launched new software for its Cytomics FC 500 MPL flow cytometer which it enables users to automate instrument set-up and data acquisition, which could help the process of identifying new drug targets.

The MXP software provides tools that help the user comply with 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines, an FDA requirement for submitting documentation in electronic form and the criteria for approved electronic signatures. It achieves this by allowing the researcher to set up user ID and password assignments. Additional tools include user ID and time stamps embedded in the listmode file, as well as Acrobat PDF output for electronic storage.

The software enables the simplification of the worklist setup via the plate wizard feature, which enables the user to apply multi-well sample naming, flexible processing order, and a worklist storage for rapid retrieval.

Diane Lary, cellular analysis product manager for >Beckman Coulter said: "Flow cytometry is rapidly growing as a drug discovery and disease research tool, with today's focus on systems biology."

"We are positioned to bring strength in clinical diagnostic flow cytometry into the biopharma segment."

Growth in the markets for flow cytometry and molecular tests is a direct result of technological advancements in medicine that took place after the human genome sequencing. Flow cytometry can be used for any test procedure that involves the counting and analysis of particles - from individual cells to synthetic microspheres.

The software has the advantage of an automated application set-up, which standardises the daily application setup for PMT voltages and compensation values. Additionally the software can create settings file for use with specific applications.

The Multi-Platform Loader (MPL) feature enables users to acquire samples using 12 x 75 tubes or a variety of microtiter plates to achieve automated walk-away data acquisition for improved workflow 40 tube rack, 24 well, 96 well standard, 96 well deep well plates.

With the continued commercialisation of various other bead-based array products by companies such as LaunchCyte LLC, Illumina, Lynx Therapeutics, MiraiBio Inc, One Lambda, ParAllele BioScience, and Tm Bioscience Corp, the market for flow cytometry-based tests is expected to increase 15 per cent annually to reach $1.3 billion (€0.83 billion) in 2008.

According to biochemistry company Dakocytomation, the current global value of the flow cytometry market is much larger than that of the immunohistochemistry (IHC) market, at approximately $600 million.