Argonaut unveils sample preparation product

Argonaut Technologies has announced the introduction of EVOLUTE ABN (Acidic Basic Neutral), a product that extracts drugs from biological fluids through improved phase extraction.

EVOLUTE are advanced water-wettable polymer-based sorbents. Developed for analyte quantification by LC-MS/MS, EVOLUTE products provide a solution to ion suppression and matrix effects from dirty extracts. Scientists can use generic methodologies to reduce method development time while producing clean extracts for a wide range of compounds.

EVOLUTE ABN is the first product to be released in the new EVOLUTE family. It is targeted at solving the high throughput sample preparation problems facing bioanalytical laboratories performing drug metabolism, ADME, pharmacokinetic and toxicology studies.

The product reduces the problems of ion suppression and matrix effects common with competitive polymer-based SPE products. Using EVOLUTE ABN, scientists can process plasma extracts and accurately quantify drug concentrations using LC-MS/MS analysis.

Jeff Labadie, senior vice president at Argonaut Technologies said: "This product is an alternative to what has been a captive market for one of our competitors. We are very pleased at the initial response of the EVOLUTE product family."

The pore structure of EVOLUTE ABN is designed to improve the removal of endogenous material from biological fluid samples. The sorbent and components do not contaminate the final sample with additional extractables. The resulting extract is cleaner and causes less ion suppression, which translates into shorter LC-MS/MS run times.

Compounds can therefore be detected by LC-MS/MS technology at lower levels, providing more accurate determination of the concentrations present in the body. Also, EVOLUTE ABN allows chemists to use a generic methodology to minimize sample preparation method development time.

EVOLUTE ABN is available in individual SPE columns and 96-well plates (fixed well and versatile EVOLUTE Array formats) to match all processing requirements. The EVOLUTE fixed well plates are suitable for high throughput extraction of drugs from biological fluids, and are particularly useful for automated sample processing due to their uniform flow characteristics.