BioGenex launches Xmatrx for drug R&D

BioGenex announces the launch of the Xmatrx, a walk-away system that automates molecular diagnostics and drug target identification and validation. The system is specifically designed to enable drug discovery companies to customise applications with high throughput, continuous access and total flexibility.

The system is designed to automate all assay steps required to perform Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), In Situ Hybridization (ISH), and Immunohistochemistry (IHC), including the application of cover-slip, resulting in a completely finished slide that is ready to go directly on a microscope for review or on a BioGenex GenoMx VISION for digital image analysis.

The specifications and features of Xmatrx lend itself for the development of novel automated slide-based assays designed to perform DNA microarray hybridisations, in vitro and in situ PCR, DNA sequencing and the detection of SNPs and micro-deletions.

"This instrument has the potential to dramatically improve the accuracy and productivity of slide-based assay optimisation and validation for pharmacodynamic, pharmacogenomic and pharmacogenetic biomarkers as it enables testing multiple variables in just one run," said BioGenex medical director, Dr Jeffrey Ross.

BioGenex is pursuing partnerships with drug discovery and research organisations to co-develop and commercialise automated applications for target selection and target validation.