Olympus introduces imaging system additons

By Wai LangChu

- Last updated on GMT

Olympus has introduced three new additions to its cell* range,
which enable image capture and documentation, as well as
fluorescence applications that will prove useful for drug

The cell^D, cell^F and cell^P are the latest in Olympus' cell* family - a collection of mutually compatible imaging products. Each member of the cell* family is made up of cameras, microscopes and illumination systems.

The cell^D provides documentation and control and represents the base-level system for image acquisition, archiving and documentation in the biological field.

The system is set to offer researchers functionality that includes: acquisition of image sequences (monochrome or colour); direct transfer of images to the web; image creation; numerous image processing operations and interactive measurements.

Cell^F is designed as a standard level system for fluorescence applications. It enables documentation, visualisation, processing and analysis of multi-channel fluorescence images, such as those created using GFP variants.

The complexity of filtering in applications with multiple GFP variants can be overcome by using spectral unmixing algorithms to separate image information.

Cell^F coordinates the interaction between hard- and software. Predefined position masks can be used to image results in multiwell-plates. Automatic acquisition via computer and microscope control as well as manual acquisition of fluorescence images is supported.

This enables analysis and presentation of many immunofluorescence techniques, like Z-sectioning and image acquisition at different focal positions to visualise specimens in 3-D.

For enhanced spectral resolution of multi-channel images, a spectral unmixing tool is incorporated, as are tools for fluorescence image evaluation, such as co-localisation.

Developed for advanced research of dynamic cell processes, cell^P is the ideal system for automated image capture of multi-channel analyses of fluorescent probes and dyes.

Cell^P is designed specifically for the field of life science imaging. Complex image-analysis tasks of multiple fluorescence images like ratio imaging, delta F / F measurements or kinetic evaluation are carried out automatically.

It also includes time-lapse imaging, out-of-focus haze removal and advanced image visualisation. The scripting language Imaging C allows for further customised options.

These include automated capture of multi-fluorescence images, time-lapse photography and 3-D image composites, as well as automatic scanning of multiwell-plates with a motorised XY-stage.

Olympus​ has launched seven members of the cell* family, developed for the specific requirements of different applications.

These range from: cell^A, cell^B and cell^D for image capture and documentation; cell^F and cell^P for fluorescence applications and comprehensive research; up to cell^M and cell^R - fluorescence systems for live cell microscopy, with real-time capability in the case of cell^R.

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