Martin Shkreli charged with securities fraud

‘Twas the week before Christmas, and what do you know?

Six tooled-up Feds went and nicked "pharma bro."

They bundled the price gouger into a van,

In the hope that he’d spill ‘bout alleged Ponzi plan.


The tweeters went nuts and proclaimed instant karma,

But the Feds said their probe predates Turing Pharma.

In jeans and grey hoodie he was led to the van,

Looking little to no threat to the Wu-Tang clan.

Whether Daraprim discount follows net schadenfreude

Remains to be seen but some folks think it oughta.


Money left KaloBios quick as a flash,

As "bro’s" fan-boy acolytes feared for their cash.


Is pharma short selling to be the new norm?

And will more price hikes follow without legal reform?

It's too early to say, but that's the big worry,

On the plus side, was nice to hear ‘bout Bill Murray.