‘People are never far from their smart phones’: DoseMonitor ensures compliance in trials

(Image: Getty/apichon_tee) (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

ClinOne uses text messaging and automated reminders to help ensure medication adherence in clinical trials with its new service, DoseMonitor.

Through the service, sponsors and contract research organizations (CROs) receive reports of sites where non-compliance may be a concern, and can thus, prompt more focused visits.

A spokesperson for ClinOne told us, “This project actually began when a major sponsor client of ours approached us asking how we could help them drive better self-dosing compliance for an upcoming trial.  In looking into this further, we realized this was an issue plaguing many sponsors and CRO's.

“We realized that sending out simple alerts/reminders to patients could significantly help improve self-dosing compliance, given that most people are never far from their smart phones, and typically respond to or read text messages very promptly.”

CROs have been using wearables and other devices such as smartphones, as a way to give clinical trials a broader, more global reach. ClinOne told us that using mobile devices has allowed researchers to remotely collect safety and efficacy data from clinical trial participants.

While this has the goal to make trials more accessible, compliance and participation have become a problem, with issues like self-dosing.

“Because of self-dosing non-compliance, many studies aren't powered properly, meaning that more sites and patients need to be recruited. This, of course, leads to timelines being extended, which means incurring greater cost to conduct the trial,” the spokesperson told us.