Greenphire’s ConneX that can offer personalized concierge services to help with travel to clinical trials announces it has grown in key regions including Japan, central and southern Europe, Scandinavia, and Southeast Asia.
In its research, Greenphire found evidence from the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP), that clinical trial volunteers listed having to travel to the study clinic as a top disruption yet one that could be overcome.
They also found a recent survey conducted by the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development showed the top two ways to enhance patient participation is by implementing patient expense reimbursement (58%) and transportation assistance (55%).
“Delivering a seamless participant experience is critical to study success," said Jim Murphy, CEO of Greenphire.
“Using our ConneX solution, trial sponsors, CROs and sites can do just that – assist participants in navigating the challenges and complexities associated with enrolling and staying enrolled in a study.”
Wanting to support global trial retention, the company says ConneX offers a host of personalized concierge services, including air, train, hotel, car services and rideshare, ambulatory care, and specialty services. This includes travel visa support, with successful applications recently processed for patients traveling from Jordan to Germany and Iraq to the USA.
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