Ebola outbreak

University of Texas has spent seven years developing a nasal spray vaccine against Ebola


Ebola nasal vaccine under threat as funding runs dry

By Dan Stanton

Lack of funding is threatening development of a nasal spray vaccine shown to provide long-term protection for non-human primates against the Ebola virus, the lead researcher told this publication in an exclusive interview.

Protective equipment for health workers in Guinea. (Picture: EC/ECHO/Jean-Louis Mosser)

Dispatches from AAPS 2014

BARDA: Ebola is “a bioterrorism threat”

By Fiona Barry

BARDA, the US government’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, has revealed it sees Ebola “as a bioterrorism threat.”

Francis Collins' comments provoked a backlash

NIH: without budget cuts, we’d have Ebola vaccine

By Fiona Barry

The head of the US National Institutes of Health has said the organisation would have developed a finished Ebola vaccine by now if its funding had not been slashed over the last decade.

GSK is preparing 10,000 doses as a Phase I trial begins.

GSK begins manufacturing 10,000 Ebola vaccine doses for WHO

By Zachary Brennan

As more than half a dozen companies are now vying to help treat and vaccinate Ebola victims in West Africa, where nearly 3,000 people have died from the illness, GlaxoSmithKline is taking the lead in getting product manufactured.

ZMapp is produced with tobacco-plant based mAbs. (Picture: Kevin Bercaw)

CMO Kentucky Bioprocessing grows Ebola mAb from tobacco

By Fiona BARRY

ZMapp, the experimental Ebola therapy given to a handful of infected patients in West Africa, is being produced in tobacco plants for Mapp Biopharmaceutical by CMO Kentucky Bioprocessing in collaboration with drugmaker Defyrus.

Ebola false alarm in France

Ebola false alarm in France

By Gareth Macdonald

Concerns passengers on a flight from Paris to Montpellier had the Ebola virus have proved to be false according to reports in the French media.

G-CON launches transmissible disease containment POD

G-CON launches transmissible disease containment POD

By Dan Stanton

Access to portable and flexible technology could be one way of containing transmissible diseases says G-CON as it launches a more readily deployable version of its ‘POD’ manufacturing suite.

Biopharma companies race to develop Ebola vaccine

Biopharma companies race to develop Ebola vaccine

By Zachary Brennan

As the death toll from the world’s most expansive Ebola outbreak nears 1,000, multiple companies are stepping up efforts to bring antibodies and other vaccines to human trials, though none seem likely to be ready until 2015 at the earliest.

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