
GSK grows in Asia vacc market

GSK grows in Asia vacc market

By Gareth Macdonald

UK drug major GSK has had a busy week in the Asia, signing an influenza vaccine manufacturing deal with China’s Shenzhen Neptunus Interlong Bio-Technique just days after it opened a new S$600m (EUR294m) production facility in Singapore.

BIO 2009: snapshot of an evolving biotech industry

BIO 2009: snapshot of an evolving biotech industry

By Nick Taylor

in-Pharmatechnologist's Nick Taylor looks back on BIO 2009, an event at which uncertainty about the development of the biotechnology industry’s future shape dominated proceedings.

France helps clusters battle for bio bucks

France helps clusters battle for bio bucks

By Nick Taylor

HEM Pierre Vimont, Ambassador of France to the US, was at BIO 2009 talking about the measures his nation have taken to attract biotechs, including the introduction of the "most favourable R&D tax in Europe".

Greece bans flu drug exports

Greece bans flu drug exports

By Gareth Macdonald

Greek authorities have banned the export of the anti-virals Relenza and Tamiflu to prevent the country’s stockpile being sold off through parallel trade as global demand for the drugs increases on concerns about a H1N1 influenza pandemic.

ChemDiv buys Russia’s Prudentas

ChemDiv buys Russia’s Prudentas

By Gareth Macdonbald

US clinical trials firm ChemDiv has bought Russian CRO Prudentas, boosting its presence in the country at a time when the treatment naïve populations in Eastern Europe are increasingly catching the eye of the global pharma and biotech industries.

Time of rapid change in fine chemicals supply, says SAFC

Time of rapid change in fine chemicals supply, says SAFC

By Gareth Macdonald

Tom Beil, SAFC’s VP of Quality and Regulatory affairs, whose talk on fine chemicals supply was a highlight of last month's DCAT week, spoke with in-PharmaTechnologist about the benefits and risks of working with global suppliers.

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