Archives for September 16, 2004

← 2004

Spot Detector BioApplication software launched

Cellomics has launched a new image analysis software module that allows scientists performing drug discovery and basic science research to analyse a broad variety of cell-based assays in as little as five minutes.

Images of protein 'tail' suggest cancer drug target

A 'tail' at one end of the Ubc 12 protein has been found to play a key role in accelerating cell replication. The determination of its structure and role bodes well for the development of new types of drugs targeting the unrestrained multiplication of...

Marijuana-like chemicals bring hope to epileptics

New research in the US, focusing on the pharmacological aspects of smoking marijuana, are closer to understanding how the drugs active ingredients exert its effects, paving the way for drugs that selectively bind and block subtypes of cannabinoid...

Pivotal pancreatic cancer trial given EMEA approval

Austrian biotech company, Austrianova, has received approval from the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA) for its product Novacaps, a new category of therapeutic for pancreatic cancer. EMEA's latest decision ensures trial data generated will...