Archives for April 17, 2005

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First-in-class diabetic drug to make market impact

According to a new report diabetic nephropathy represents a multi-billion-dollar market that is poorly served by existing drugs. All this is set to change as Palosuran, currently in clinical development, could become the first drug in a new class for...

Valois launches new generation nasal spray

France's Valois will launch a new-generation dispensing pump that should improve the accuracy of drug dosing into the nasal passages at the Interpack show later this week, reports Phil Taylor.

Xantos, NascaCell and PSF collaborate on drug discovery project

Xantos Biomedicine, NascaCell and PSF biotech have announced the formation of a collaboration, which is set to identify and develop new drugs for the inhibition of tumour angiogenesis, a process by which the growth of blood cells from surrounding...

FEI launches world's most advanced electron microscope

The contest to produce the world's most advanced commercially available electron microscope stepped up a gear after FEI announced its new scanning/transmission electron microscope (S/TEM), produced atomic-scale imaging with resolution below 0.7 Angstrom.

Avecia to close oligo facility in Scotland

UK chemicals group Avecia is planning to close its biotechnology centre at Grangemouth, Scotland, by the end of the summer, resulting in the loss of 95 jobs, reports Phil Taylor.

Shape-altering genes linked to ovarian cancer

Researchers have explained how and why different forms of ovarian cancer evolve in a discovery that could lead to earlier detection and perhaps more personalised treatment for a disease that will claim an estimated 16 000 women's lives in the US in 2005.

Dharmacon launches unique RNAi screening tool

Dharmacon has announced the launch of the first ever product line that uses reverse transfection technology to screen RNAi libraries rapidly and cost effectively, increasing accessibility of RNAi screening to researchers worldwide.