Archives for January 3, 2007

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Dishman Pharma has its eyes set on biotech CRO companies

By  Susan Gotensparre

India's Dishman Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals is planning to snap up biotech and nanotech contract research organisation (CRO) companies in Europe and in the US within drug conjugates to expand their biologics capability.

Neural stem cells target drug delivery

By  Dr Matt Wilkinson

Neural stem cells (NSCs) engineered to express therapeutic molecules have shown dramatic efficacy against metastatic cancers in pre-clinical trials.

China aims for outsourcing supremacy

By  Mike Nagle

The Chinese government has announced plans to consolidate their outsourcing industry in an effort to capture business from other developing countries such as India.

Portable drug anti-counterfeiting device to hit market

By  Anna Lewcock

The pharmaceutical industry's first fully portable drug anti-counterfeiting device will be presented in Baltimore later this month at IFPAC, the International Forum on Process Analytical Chemistry.

US biotech boom to benefit CROs

By  Kirsty Barnes

The booming biotech industry in the US is set to boost drug discovery business for contract research organisations (CROs) across the globe.

PerkinElmer snaps up Triton's thermal analysis line

By  Anna Lewcock

PerkinElmer has announced its acquisition of a line of Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) products from UK-based firm Triton Technology in its latest move following a busy year of purchases during 2006.

Temperature-sensing RFID chip could cut shipment losses

By  Susan Gotensparre

A new radio frequency identification (RFID) tag for temperature-monitoring purposes has been developed for pharmaceutical products during transportation, where fluctuations in temperature can alert the logistics chain of impending disasters.

Chewable contraceptive for US women

By  Anna Lewcock

A US pharmaceutical last month introduced a spearmint-flavoured chewable contraceptive pill as a 'more convenient' option for women 'on-the-go'.

GAO bemoans lack of new drugs

By  Mike Nagle

A US government report has warned that the pharmaceutical industry is not producing enough new drugs despite spending more on research and development.