Archives for March 26, 2008

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DSMB backs Medidur

By  Nick Taylor

Medidur has been deemed safe by the Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) for continuation of Phase III clinical trials with no amendments to the protocol.

UK pharma industry set to lose business offshore

By  Kirsty Barnes

The pharmaceutical industry has lost confidence in the UK as a place to do business to an "alarming degree" and the situation is only set to deteriorate, reveals new research.

Rhodia starts to unravel Organics business

By  Pete Mansell

French group Rhodia has put its gradual retreat from a flagging fine chemicals business on a more formal footing by announcing the break-up of Rhodia Organics.

NPIL making business moves

By  Kirsty Barnes

India's Nicholas Piramal has announced several business moves of late, designed to enhance its position on the world stage.

Redpoint Bio receives taste sensor patent

By  David Robson

Redpoint Bio has been issued with a patent for an assay technology which tests whether a compound enhances or inhibits the bitter or sweet taste of different ingredients, allowing the company to screen for flavour enchancing compounds.