Archives for March 26, 2019

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AstraZeneca cuts 94 jobs from UK campus

AstraZeneca cuts 94 jobs from UK campus

By Ben Hargreaves

The Anglo-Swedish company will cut the positions from the site by 2020, with a consultation on the process initiated yesterday, a workers union claimed.

Product loss mitigation through drying technology

Product loss mitigation through drying technology

By Maggie Lynch

Small molecule manufacturing can result in product loss, as the materials manufactured come into contact with internal surfaces thereby impacting drying and creating disruptions in efficency and cost-effectivness.

Digoxin API supply secured through acquisition

Digoxin API supply secured through acquisition

By Maggie Lynch

C2 Pharma acquires digoxin API product portfolio from Noblius to secure supply of the ingredient, after disruption of the supply of the API for a number of years.