IonGate launch transporter-screening technology

SurfE2ROne, a new detection technology for drug discovery and
development, has been launched by its makers IonGate Biosciences
who believe that in using this technology drugs can be developed
faster and more efficiently.

For the first time, the SurfE2R technology enables the pharmaceutical industry to efficiently screen transporters and ion pumps. This will allow targeted development of novel medicines against various diseases within shorter time frames bringing about improvements in quality of medicines as well as side effects reduction.

SurfE2ROne is a system based on a nanomembrane sensor to measure the activity of transporters and ion pumps increasing productivity in the drug development process.

SurfE2ROne is designed for applications requiring high information content and is particularly suited for assay development, profiling, lead optimisation and basic research projects. Iongate claim in the near future the properties of drugs in regard to their bioavailability can be checked at an earlier stage of development.

The SurfE2R technology, produced by biosciences company IonGate,​ allows direct measurement of transporter protein activity, a feature that scientists and laboratory staff use to quantify effects of potentially active substances on transport proteins without the use of radioactive markers or fluorescent dyes.

Currently the system is successfully used in research projects at Aventis Pharma and at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysics.

Transporter proteins are of central importance to an organism. They play key roles in different indication areas concerning the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the metabolism. They are of interest as drug targets to the pharmaceutical industry as transporter proteins influence the bioavailability of drugs.

Related topics Clinical trials & development

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