Clinical trials & development

Pfizer planning more job cuts?

Pfizer planning more job cuts?

By Dr Matt Wilkinson

In response to mounting media speculation of another major
restructuring drive, sparked off by an article in the Wall Street
Journal (WSJ), Pfizer has called a meeting to discuss its strategic
direction, with CEO Jeffrey B. Kindler...

Small Eno River Labs thinks big

Small Eno River Labs thinks big

By Emilie Reymond

The booming pharmaceutical contract research market sees a new
player enter the arena as analytical lab Eno River Labs separates
into two independent divisions to create a new business that will
provide analytical and formulation...

Predicting Proteomics

Predicting Proteomics

By Dr Matt Wilkinson

A new computer model could improve quantitative proteomics and
speed up lead optimisation by predicting how a protein will break
down during analysis.

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