Markets & regulatory news

DrugDev acquires TrialNetworks for cloud-based trial management tools

DrugDev acquires TrialNetworks for cloud-based trial management tools

By Zachary Brennan

DrugDev, a network of active clinical trial doctors, has acquired TrialNetworks, a cloud-based suite of collaborative trial management apps and site-facing tools designed to improve processes, ensure transparency and streamline timelines for clinical...

AZ picks Sinequa to index millions of R&D docs

AZ picks Sinequa to index millions of R&D docs

By Fiona BARRY

AstraZeneca has chosen big data and analytics services provider Sinequa, to index millions of R&D documents for use in a search platform providing “sub-second” answers to research questions.  

Clinverse records four partnerships, significant growth in Q1

Clinverse records four partnerships, significant growth in Q1

By Zachary Brennan

CRO and sponsor payment service provider Clinverse announced a record first quarter to start 2014, with the addition of four significant new clients, as well as strong additional repeat business from existing clients.

EMA slashes fees for small drug developers

EMA slashes fees for small drug developers

By Fiona BARRY

The EMA (European Medicines Agency) has cut what it charges small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro businesses to help them comply with regulations once their drugs are approved.

Politicians spar over US FDA proposed rule for generic manufacturers

Politicians spar over US FDA proposed rule for generic manufacturers

By Zachary Brennan

With generic drugs covering 80% of all dispensed drugs in the US, Democrats and Republicans seem split over a proposed FDA rule that would allow generic manufacturers to submit labelling changes within 30 days after discovering a new adverse event or...

Cross border counterfeit crackdown: EDQM launches fake drug database

Counterfeit crackdown: EDQM launches fake drug database

By Gareth Macdonald

Collating drug counterfeiting cases from across Europe into a central database will help law enforcement authorities catch criminals trying to flood the region with fake medicines, according to the EDQM.

Will US track and trace legislation be enough to stop counterfeiters?

Will US track and trace law be enough to stop counterfeiters?

By Zachary Brennan

In light of the implementation of the Drug Quality and Security Act of 2013 in the US, which calls for the phased implementation of electronic tracking down to the package level, companies are looking at options to catch up and reduce counterfeiting at...

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