Solid-state training to advance China beyond API infancy

By Nick Taylor

- Last updated on GMT

Crystal Pharmatech is to provide solid-state characterisation training in China to advance local API and drug development beyond its “infancy phase”.

Government investment is equipping Chinese companies with the infrastructure to enter the drug discovery and development sector. Despite this innovation “is currently in an infancy phase​” and to advance further understanding of solid-state characterisation must be improved.

While China-based companies have the capital to purchase solid-state characterisation equipment, they don't necessarily understand how to use it or realise the true value of the data generated​”, said Alex Chen, CEO of Crystal Pharmatech.

To fill the “large gap in understanding​”​Crystal Pharmatech is providing in-depth solid-state characterisation training to clients of Siber Hegner China, an analytical equipment vendor.

Siber Hegner China instrument demonstrations will now be accompanied by seminars and lectures by Crystal Pharmatech. Educational sessions will focus on the application of instruments and their value to active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and drug development processes.

While other companies in China can provide training on operating the instruments, Crystal Pharmatech will delve into the application of these instruments towards problem solving in the pharma industry​”, said Chen.

Interpreting data generated through solid-state characterisation is a priority of the training. Development, validation and transfer of methods will also be covered in the sessions.

BrightGene deal

Crystal Pharmatech has inked a deal to provide solid-state research support to China-based BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology. The one-year deal covers: polymorph screening; chiral resolution; physiochemical characterisation; and other areas of solid-state research.

We will act as the physical characterisation arm for BrightGene and ensure processes maximise yield and productivity while delivering the desired API phase with optimal particle characteristics​”, said Chen.

Outsourcing this work will, according to Chen, keep capital costs down while ensuring high product quality. Chen said the deal “is an excellent model​” and Crystal Pharmatech plans to enter into similar collaborations.

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