
Will ePRO prove successful in the years to come? Survey investigates

CROs plan to increase use of ePRO tech

By Zachary Brennan

CROs, as well as sponsors, are receptive to, and plan to increase their use of ePRO (electronic patient reported outcomes), according to a survey published Monday from the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development.

Clear water in Lapland, Sweden. The national medicines regulator wants to make wastewater treatment part of Good Manufacturing Practice. (Picture: August Linnman/Flickr)

Swedish manufacturing: special report

‘Embarrassment’ holding back green manufacturing, says Sweden

By Fiona Barry

Sweden’s pharmaceutical regulator is pushing hard to make water pollution regulations a binding part of GMP, and says “embarrassed” European agencies are dragging their feet more than big pharma.

GVK HQ in Hyderabad - no new contracts since last August

Europe's response "disproportionate" says GVK Biosciences

By Gareth Macdonald

GVK Biosciences has called marketing authorisation withdrawals by various European regulators “disproportionate,” arguing that ECG results at centre of data manipulation investigation have no bearing on safety.

Continuous manufacturing can go anywhere in the world by boat or helicopter, says Pfizer's expert

Pfizer hails portable manufacturing as latest in lean

By Fiona Barry

How can a pharma company invest in continuous manufacturing without bleeding money when it retreats from a local market? Pfizer’s answer is production pods it can roll out anywhere in the world via helicopter… and pack away again if a market turns.

University of Texas has spent seven years developing a nasal spray vaccine against Ebola


Ebola nasal vaccine under threat as funding runs dry

By Dan Stanton

Lack of funding is threatening development of a nasal spray vaccine shown to provide long-term protection for non-human primates against the Ebola virus, the lead researcher told this publication in an exclusive interview.

Protective equipment for health workers in Guinea. (Picture: EC/ECHO/Jean-Louis Mosser)

Dispatches from AAPS 2014

BARDA: Ebola is “a bioterrorism threat”

By Fiona Barry

BARDA, the US government’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, has revealed it sees Ebola “as a bioterrorism threat.”

Francis Collins' comments provoked a backlash

NIH: without budget cuts, we’d have Ebola vaccine

By Fiona Barry

The head of the US National Institutes of Health has said the organisation would have developed a finished Ebola vaccine by now if its funding had not been slashed over the last decade.

European Parliament in Strasbourg, France

EMA tells us it looks forward to continuing close relationship with DG SANCO

Juncked: Plan to move EMA from DG Health to DG Enterprise is abandoned

By Gareth Macdonald

DG Health will keep responsibility for the EMA according to European Commission President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker, who confirmed plans to hand the agency to DG Enterprise have been abandoned.

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