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ARx opens new facility

ARx opens new facility

By Katrina Megget

Pennsylvania-based ARx has officially opened a new pharmaceutical
manufacturing facility as it races to meet demand for its drug
delivery components and keep up with the times.

Kiddy Tamiflu for the EU

Kiddy Tamiflu for the EU

By Anna Lewcock

Roche has just had the child-size, lower strength version of its
blockbuster flu treatment Tamiflu (oseltamivir) approved by EU
authorities, though possibly just a little too late for this year's
flu season.

Novartis on NME trail

Novartis on NME trail

By Mike Nagle

Novartis is aiming to hunt down its rivals through a pipeline of
truly innovative drugs, measured by increasing numbers of New
Molecular Entities (NMEs) in development.

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