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Boom time for CROs?

Boom time for CROs?

The amount of pharmaceutical R&D funding headed out-of-house to
research suppliers engaged in drug development work will grow
almost 15 per cent annually for the next five years, nearly double
the anticipated increase in overall...

Sad demise of PPL

Sad demise of PPL

Scotland's PPL Therapeutics, once one of the brightest stars in the
UK biotechnology universe, came to desultory end this week when the
company auctioned off most of its remaining assets for just
£169,000 (€242,000).

First draft of chimp genome

First draft of chimp genome

The first draft sequence of the genome of the chimpanzee has been
completed, providing a tantalising first glimpse of the genetic
differences that separates man from one of its closest cousins in
the animal kingdom.

Bar codes get top billing

Bar codes get top billing

Bar code scanning systems, which scan medications and patient
identification bracelets at hospital bedsides to verify patients
are receiving the correct medications, were voted the top choice
for preventing medication errors in a...

Low cost steam trap station

Low cost steam trap station

Spirax Sarco has introduced a stainless steel steam trap station -
used to remove condensate and air or other incondensable gases from
a production pipeline - that is suitable for use in pharmaceutical
applications. The all-in-one...

Making waves in proteomics

Making waves in proteomics

It is already well established that microwave energy can be used to
speed up the breakdown of protein molecules by enzymes, the first
stage in protein identification. Now, a collaboration between two
companies is looking to incorporate...

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