Clinical Development

Big Pharmas to battle R&D bottlenecks

Big Pharmas team to tackle trial bottlenecks

The ten biggest drugmakers in the world want faster, more efficient R&D and claim a new non-profit organisation they formed last week is the solution to the industries development bottlenecks.

Celerion gets AAHRPP certification


Celerion OKed by patient rights group

US CRO Celerion has been awarded full accreditation by the Association for the Accreditation Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP), a group that assess patient safety and ethical concerns. 

PRA talks about expansion in China

PRA talks about expansion in China

By Gareth Macdonald

The lack of competing studies, proximity to the SFDA HQ and were the key drivers for the new Beijing, China office according to PRA International. 

PCORI says Pharmas may bias trials

PCORI says Pharmas may bias trials

The US Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has suggested the pharmaceutical industry is introducing bias into clinical trials through selective use of inclusion/exclusion criteria and comparators.

Parexel, Pfizer, KDDL, Korea, Quintiles, CRO, Icon, Novotech

Parexel teams with KDDF

The billion dollar Korea Drug Development Fund (KDDF) has called on US CRO Parexel to help local developers commercialise pharmaceuticals on the global market.

LabCorp, Quintiles, Synexus, CRI Brazil, South Africa, acqusition

News from LabCorp, Quintiles, Synexus and CRI

LabCorp moves closer to expanding central labs biz, Quintiles builds in Brazil, Synexus grows in South Africa and CRI opens new research facility -  Welcome to’s round up of the latest news in the services space.

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