Multi-purpose packaging quality tester launched

Related tags Measurement Mocon

A new system that offers both pressure loss measurement and
packaging seal strength has been launched.

The Lippke 2500 SL test system from Mocon consolidates the testing of both leak and seal integrity into one unit. Leak testing can be conducted on flexible, semi-rigid and rigid packages.

Seal strength tests can be conducted on flexible and semi-rigid packages.It offers precisely defined and reproducible test conditions and can maintain a test parameter database for an unlimited number of products.

The unit is ideal for quality control/quality assurance monitoring, raw material qualification and determination of optimum seal parameters. It offers comprehensive test documentation (graphs, measurement database and statistics).

To test packages for leaks, a self-adhesive septum is used to insure that there is a perfect seal selected for the injection of air. After mounting the package onto the needle-head assembly, the pressure builds up in the package until it reaches a pre-selected level.

It is then held at a constant level for the required settling time. During the final test phase, the unit will accurately measure the pressure to detect even the smallest amount of package leakage (down to 10 microns) and display the resultant value.

To conduct seal strength testing, the septum also is applied to the package and mounted onto the needle head assembly. The package is then subjected to increasing pressure until it bursts. The burst pressure of the package is proportional to the seal strength.

Burst tests of porous materials, such as Tyvek, is also possible and a fixture to test open packages is also available.

The Lippke technology is now available globally as a result of Mocon's acquisition earlier this year of Paul Lippke Handels-GmbH Prozess- und Laborsysteme (Lippke), Germany.

Mocon​ is a leading provider of instrumentation and consulting and laboratory services to medical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries worldwide.

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