Clinical evolution

(Gilnature/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Sun Pharma approved for COVID-19 trial

By Jenni Spinner

The company has been given the go-ahead to launch clinical research testing Nafamostat as a potential treatment for patients diagnosed with the virus.

(elenabs/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Latest FDA COVID-19 updates

By Jenni Spinner

The federal agency continues to offer advice and take actions related to COVID-19, impacting drug development, clinical trials and other activities.

(zubada/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

This week’s FDA COVID-19 updates

By Jenni Spinner

The agency continues to offer advice and take actions impacting the pharmaceutical and life-science industries during the pandemic.

(Image: Getty/wildpixel)

Immunai unveils map of human immune system

By Jenni Spinner

A research team including MIT, Harvard and Stanford researchers has raised $20m in seed funding for their effort to map out immune cells with machine learning.

(Image: Getty/gorodenkoff)

Avalere: FDA can impact COVID-era drug development

By Jenni Spinner

A representative of the life-sciences consulting firm outlines how the federal agency has reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it might advise the industry going forward.

(Image: Getty/zubada)

This week's FDA COVID-19 actions and advice

By Jenni Spinner

The federal agency continues to offer advice for healthcare and pharma industry professionals, and to take action against companies acting out of bounds.

(Image: Getty/ffrikretow)

Weekly FDA COVID-19 update

By Jenni Spinner

The agency continues to remain busy overseeing and approving potential treatments and tests for the virus behind the global pandemic.

(Image: Getty/metamorworks)

Advarra purchases IRBco

By Jenni Spinner

The institutional review board and research technology solutions provider has acquired IRBco to expand its reach and presence in North America.

(Image: Getty/zubada)

This week’s FDA COVID-19 news

By Jenni Spinner

The agency continues to offer guidance about COVID-19 treatments and tests—and issue warnings to companies that fall out of line.

Integra Connect: RWE can enhance clinical trials

Integra Connect: RWE can bolster clinical trials

By Jenni Spinner

The health data specialists look at real-world evidence and real-world data, and how clinical trial sites and sponsors can make the best use of such information tools.

(Image: Getty/ma_rish)

Advarra supports COVID-19 academic research

By Jenni Spinner

The company’s technology is being used by organizations across the US to tackle solutions intended to treat and prevent infection by the virus.

(Image: Getty/Ilya Lukichev)

Saama expands COVID-19 research consortium

By Jenni Spinner

The EndPandemic National Data Consortium has grown to six life-sciences and information-technology organizations, joining to collaborate on research data.

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