Markets & regulatory news

ICH works on Q7 guide for regulators

ICH working to clarify Q7 for regulators

By Gareth Macdonald

The ICH says regulator uncertainty over Q7 for ingredient supply chains, contractor management and quality management systems must be resolved.

What does Obama mean for Pharma this time?

What Obama means for Pharma this time

By Gareth Macdonald

Barack Obama’s re-election will mean millions more US citizens have health insurance, which has significant implications for the pharmaceutical industry.

USP revises Heparin labelling rules

USP revises heparin labelling guide

The US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) has changed its labelling rules for heparin in a mid to reduce the number of medication errors.

Big Pharma campaign contributions favour Romney

Big Pharma contributions favour Romney

By Gareth Macdonald

Big Pharma firms want a Republican in the White House judging by contributions received by the two US parties during the current campaign.

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