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Olympus sharpens its focus

Olympus sharpens its focus

By Kirsty Barnes

Olympus is gearing up to launch the two latest models in its range
of stereo microscopes, hailed as offering scientists superior
sensitivity with the highest zoom ratio and resolution on the

More patent armour for pharma

More patent armour for pharma

By Kirsty Barnes

The damages caused by a patent dispute can sometimes wipe out the
assets side of a company's balance sheet - a potential death
sentence for small or medium companies - many of which aren't doing
enough to protect themselves,...

How to make your workforce work

How to make your workforce work

By Kirsty Barnes

No company likes to hire and fire unnecessarily. When used
correctly, outsourcing can be the key to maintaining the proper
balance of fixed and variable staffing and allow the right staffing
resources to be rapidly shifted to the...

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